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Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Thoughtforms can be described as energetic patterns that exist within our aura, and they are created by our own thoughts. So if you have the thought, "I have all the energy I need, I have all the energy I need," with enough conviction and belief, you'll create a thought form who makes this so, and this newly created thoughtform will then live happily inside your aura . This thoughtform will help you draw towards you all the circumstances you need to make it so. For example, it may help you realize that you need to give up smoking, as a first step towards better health and energy, then it may nudge you towards taking up a new hobby that you really enjoy, (and therefore boosts your energy) and as you clear each hurdle, improving diet etc, etc, the thoughtform will continue to help you clear all obstacles between you and the optimum energy levels that you want to create. This could take weeks, months, or could be a life's work!

For more reading click Power of Thoughtforms

Good morning World :)

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