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Friday, November 4, 2016

3 steps of getting a dream job

If you are looking for getting a dream job, then you need to take out time to think, plan, strategize and take intelligent actions.

During my various coaching sessions with job seekers and their subsequent success in getting a dream job, I have come to conclusion that below 3 steps can help you land in your dream job:

1) Clarity:

We should be very clear in terms of job profile and salary. This is first essential step. I mean the candidate has to be 100% crystal clear as to what exactly is he expecting out of the job he / she is going to do.

With increased number of options, it is very natural to feel excited to make an attempt to all available options. This is biggest mistake a job seeker makes while searching a dream job and often land up in a boring job and get stuck there and remain frustrated throughout the life.

Be very clear as to what are we expecting out of the job.

2) Create an online resume:

Everyone will send a resume. But you can be better than that. You can create a personal website. Make it look very professional. Showcase your enthusiasm. Show your creative side.

It will only send a positive message to recruiters that you are not only a go getter but also a creative person.

3) Brush up LinkedIn profile:

A professional LinkedIn profile is must for those who are looking for getting a dream job. It is also a valuable resource for those who are trying to search a perfect candidate for their job vacancy.

So, it is very essential to brush up your LinkedIn profile on regular basis. And your profile must show a pleasant professional outlook.

So, spend a quality time upgrading your LinkedIn profile on regular basis.

To know more on this topic, buy inspiring books, take individual counselling session or group motivation seminar, please contact us on 9820073993 ( India )

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