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Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Vulnerable Spot

This is a story from Greek mythology. The nymph Thetis fell in love with and married a human called Peleus. They had a son called Achilles. Thetis being a nymph was immortal. She wanted her son to be immortal too. So she took the newborn Achilles and dipped him in the waters of the River Styx. This river separates the land of the living from the land of the dead. It would make Achilles’ skin impervious to all weapons. Unfortunately, to dip Achilles in the water, Thetis had held him by his ankles. The part that she held was not touched by the magical water. That part, the ankle in general and the heel in particular, remained vulnerable to weapons. Eventually, Achilles’ enemies took advantage of this vulnerable spot to kill him. Paris, prince of Troy, shot an arrow that struck Achilles’ heel. Thus despite all efforts of Thetis, Achilles died as all humans do.
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