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Monday, October 23, 2017

90 years young Padma Vibhushan Dr. V Shanta

90 years young and focussed, Dr. V Shanta, grand niece of renowned scientist, Shri C V Raman, is doing amazing work in ensuring cancer treatment is made affordable to all citizens of India and world.

Dr. V. Shanta, is the chairperson of Cancer Institute at Adyar, Chennai.

She regularly inspires and tell her patients not to get worried and frightened of cancer. And like any other diseases, cancer is curable and can be treated with medicines and diet.

Dr. V Shanta, first joined as a RMO (Resident Medical Officer) at Adyar Cancer Institute and have been working for last 61 years and is now the Chairperson of this institute.

Even at age 90, she is active, focussed and passionate to ensure that all her patients are taken care of and get the best treatment.

Please Google and YouTube her for more information. If you like this short article, please share it with your friends. Let's build a positive and better world.

This blog is maintained by Sudhir Pai, a qualified engineer and post graduate in marketing. After working with Jetking, ICICI Bank and Kotak, he is now a full time life coach and business consultant. He has authored 2 inspiring books and does individual counselling and group seminars. You can reach him on 9820073993 (Mumbai).

Friday, October 13, 2017

What is Intuition?

When human body functions spontaneously, we call it as instinct. When the soul functions spontaneously, that is called intuition. Instinct is of the body - the gross; and intuition is of the soul - the subtle.
When you are totally awake and aware, this shift happens: from the [brain’s] left hemisphere the energy moves to the right hemisphere. The male is naturally an aggressive living being, the male is constantly in struggle – the feminine is constantly in surrender, in deep trust. Hence females have a better intuition or sixth sense.

Scientists have discovered that humans appear to have two, very different “operating systems.” (link is external)  System 1 is our quick, instinctual, and often subconscious way of operating – it is controlled by our right brain and by other parts of our brain that have been around since prehistoric times, known as the “limbic” and reptilian” parts of our brain.  System 2 is our slower, more analytical, and conscious way of operating – it is controlled by our left brain and by newer parts of our brain that have only developed since prehistoric times (also known as the “neocortex”).  Researchers have found that intuition is part of System 1, which is why it comes on so rapidly and often does not make rational sense to us.  In other words, intuitive decisions are not something that we have thought out carefully with reason, but rather choices that have arisen quickly out of instinct.
In my book, THINK LIKE A WINNER, I have briefly touched upon how our human mind can be programmed for success. In my second book, LIVE YOUR DREAMS, I have discussed, how people used their power of mind to achieve their personal and professional goals.

Intuition is challenging to define, despite the huge role it plays in our everyday lives. Steve Jobs called it, for instance, "more powerful than intellect." But however we put it into words, we all, well, intuitively know just what it is.

Pretty much everyone has experienced a gut feeling -- that unconscious reasoning that propels us to do something without telling us why or how. But the nature of intuition has long eluded us, and has inspired centuries' worth of research and inquiry in the fields of philosophy and psychology.

If you want to get in touch with your intuition, a little time alone may be the most effective way. Just as solitude can help give rise to creative thinking, it can also help us connect to our deepest inner wisdom.
Intuitive people are often introverted, according to Burnham. But whether you're an introvert or not, taking time for solitude can help you engage in deeper thought and reconnect with yourself.
"You have to be able to have a little bit of solitude; a little bit of silence," she says. "In the middle of craziness ... you can't recognize [intuition] above all of the noise of everyday life." 

For inspiring books, individual counselling, group corporate seminars, please contact WA on 9820073993 (Mumbai)

Sudhir Pai, is a qualified electronics engineer. After having worked with corporates like Jetking, Kotak, ICICI Bank and Motilal Oswal upto Vice President levels, is now full time a life coach, business consultant, author and motivational trainer.

He is also associated with social work of teaching slum kids. To advertise on this blog, support his social work or call him for speaking assignments, feel free to connect on 9820073993 (Mumbai)