Office jobs often cause people pain stress and tension in their neck and shoulders. This is generally caused by sitting in one position for a prolonged period of time and/or prolonged typing at a computer. One way to prevent this from occurring is to make sure you take timely breaks from your work to stand up and walk around. If this is not possible, yoga can often help unlock tension in the neck and shoulders.
From your chair you can do a wide variety of Yoga Asanas that are modified. Start with a modified tree pose: sitting in your chair with your feet together underneath you, raise your arms into the air and put your hands into prayer position. Keep your shoulders relaxed and hold for 6 breathes. You can also do a modified forward bend from your chair as well: sitting in your chair with your feet and knees together, lean forward from the waist, letting your arms hand to the floor. Rest your head on your lap and take deep breathes, letting your neck and shoulders relax. Finish up your mini yoga session from your chair by doing shoulder circles, followed by relaxing your neck to your chest for 10 breathes. With time, hopefully this will help your condition .
From your chair you can do a wide variety of Yoga Asanas that are modified. Start with a modified tree pose: sitting in your chair with your feet together underneath you, raise your arms into the air and put your hands into prayer position. Keep your shoulders relaxed and hold for 6 breathes. You can also do a modified forward bend from your chair as well: sitting in your chair with your feet and knees together, lean forward from the waist, letting your arms hand to the floor. Rest your head on your lap and take deep breathes, letting your neck and shoulders relax. Finish up your mini yoga session from your chair by doing shoulder circles, followed by relaxing your neck to your chest for 10 breathes. With time, hopefully this will help your condition .